A panel of experts will discuss urban food growing and emergency storage at a free Urban Food Panel on Wednesday July 24, 2024 in View Royal.

The 2-hour panel will hear from four speakers covering topics like soil regeneration, infrastructure for food growing in all types of homes and buildings, solar panel energy for backup, harvesting and emergency storage.

We will explore how municipalities can help motivate and sustain residents and property owners to grow natural food in urban spaces.

Read more about the event and the speakers online.

DATE: Wed July 24, 2024

TIME: 1 to 3 pm

WHERE: 104-1497 Admirals Rd (constituency community office of Mitzi Dean, MLA)

RSVP: Let us know you’re coming, so we’ll have enough refreshments! Email to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca or phone 250-588-7091.

Click here to see full pre-event news release.


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