Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society (UFRIS) is stirring up food-growing news!
Saturday January 11, 2025. Environmental Expo. 11 am to 4 pm. Free, drop-in, Info booths & presentations. At Church of the Advent, 510 Mount View Ave, Colwood. UFRIS will have an info booth & make a presentation. More info.
Fall 2024/Spring 2025. Neighbourhood Food-Growing Pod pilot project in Sooke – you are invited to be part of the first high-density neighbourhood grow-at-home community pod (an emergency preparedness initiative), Church Road area. Email to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca or tel/text 250-588-7091. In social media, we’re on X at @UrbanFoodResil .

STUFF THAT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED (most recent listed first):
Saturday November 16, 2024. UFRIS members meeting, everyone welcome (one-time $5 fee to be a member). Learn about the first Langford community garden and the UFRIS recommendations to the BC Premier for Ministers’ mandate letters. At Serious Coffee View Royal, 1703 Island Highway, 11 am. RSVP to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca or just drop-in.
Saturday September 29. UFRIS info booth at the Luxton Fair in Langford.
Thursday September 26. WorkBC Job Fair – Info booth by Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society, 12 to 5 pm at the Langford Legion. Volunteer inquiries: Neighbourhood Pod Connector | Community Garden Ambassador | Workshop Host.
Thursday August 15. Information booth at Sooke Night Market. Lots of great conversations at our booth about what people are growing and the importance of individual household food resilience in the west shore & Sooke region. Prize draw winner for a bag of garden soil is Gaby.

Wednesday July 24. Urban Food Panel. Four speakers who are leaders in the food-growing community discussed key aspects of urban food challenges. Relaxed format, with audience participation and networking, led by UFRIS Executive Lead Mary Brooke.
- Pre-event article about Urban Food Panel (July 20, 2024)
- Event review: Mid-summer UFRIS panel explores urban food growing, emergency storage (July 28, 2024)
- REQUEST A COPY OF THE URBAN FOOD PANEL JULY 24, 2024 EVENT REPORT – available by donation. To receive the PDF, please send e-transfer for $5 or greater, to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca .

Tuesday June 18. Presentation to View Royal Council. Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society will present information about the Society’s work to enhance the growing of natural food in urban spaces, with an eye to emergency preparedness. 7 pm.

Sunday May 12. May Day for Mother Earth. Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society held an info booth at this well-attended event at Royal Bay Secondary School, with an emphasis on environment/climate-related aspects of growing food in urban spaces.

April 22. Earth Day. What did you do for Earth Day? We celebrated by planting veggies and some bee pollinator flowers.
Saturday April 13. Public Engagement about Porcher Park in central Langford. The park plan includes a food-growing community garden. Drop-in 9 am to 11 am. Engagement & link to online survey. (Survey open to April 21, 2024).

April 1. National School Food Program announced by the federal government, to kick in September 2024, to fill gaps in provincial and school district programs. News article | News release
March 30, 2024. Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society held our first public information booth on March 30, 2024, chatting with food-growing enthusiasts at Sooke Seedy Saturday. We asked people what they grow in their household gardens.
March 16, 2024. Land for Langford’s first community garden has been cleared and stands ready for development, in Porcher Park on Wren Place in central Langford. | News article

March 4, 2024. Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society was successful in receiving a Grant from the City of Langford. We are grateful for the city’s support toward an exciting new wave of people growing their own food in Langford.
January 24, 2024. A group of urban food resilience enthusiasts met to discuss community gardens in Langford.