Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society (UFRIS) is a non-profit society based in Langford, BC. Our projects and advocacy serve the south Vancouver Island region and beyond.

WEBSITE & NEWS POSTS: urbanfoodresilience.ca
EMAIL: info@urbanfoodresilience.ca
PHONE/TEXT: 250-588-7091
- X: @UrbanFoodResil
- Facebook: Urban Food Resilience Initiatives Society
- GET THE UFRIS E-NEWSLETTER: info@urbanfoodresilience.ca
- REQUEST A COPY OF THE URBAN FOOD PANEL JULY 24, 2024 EVENT REPORT – available by donation. To receive the PDF, please send e-transfer for $5 or greater, to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca . Or read the summary news article online.
- MEMBERS and VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: info@urbanfoodresilience.ca
- VOLUNTEER or PROJECT-PAID POSITIONS may be available as the organization grows: Neighbourhood Pod Connector | Community Garden Ambassador | Workshop Host (as presented at the WorkBC Jobs Fair on September 26, 2024). Inquire or send resume to info@urbanfoodresilience.ca